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Student Training: Shelving

The Shelving Process

We have a cart behind the desk where we place books that need to be re-shelved. This one is where they go while they're waiting to be sorted: 

The next one is where you put the sorted books that live on the first floor (A-N):

Then books that are sorted that live on the third floor (P-Z):

The CYA (children/young adult) books also have their own cart: 

You will be assigned your own shelving color. When you re-shelve a book, leave the laminated color stick poking out 2-3 inches from the top of the book. Place the shelved book spine down in its spot. When possible, the book should be flush with the shelf and only the color stick should be sticking out from the shelf. If the books are shelved standing up, it is too difficult to spot when I check shelving. On the other hand, the colors are all pretty bright so the color sticks don't need to be left hanging way out.

Don't: re-shelve books standing up


Why it's bad: the slips are there but you can't see them!

Don't: leave books hanging off the edge with a lot of color stick hanging out.

Why it's bad: It looks crazy and out of control! This is especially important on the movable shelves downstairs. Things could be crunched or damaged when the shelves are moved. If a distracted student goes down this aisle they may inadvertently knock books off or damage them.

How it should look:

Additionally, if you have a book that lives on a shelf that is already packed too tightly please do not jam in onto the shelf! We will need to do a bit of spot shifting to accommodate the new item so please let Nicole know! 

Library of Congress Info & Basics

Check out these cool links! - This one explains some LoC classification stuff. - This one explains a bit about call number "anatomy".


Click on the link below for more!

Kent state page with great info and a cool test!!

More call number game learning fun: 


Where are the audiobooks????

We don't have enough of them to warrant their own special place so they are shelved within the regular collection.