The Jeffrey M. Edgmond Resource Center is located in CI 118. Students are encouraged to listen to recordings, view scores and DVD’s, and use the CD sheet music files. The library is circulating and resources may be removed from the library for studying purposes. Listening stations and computers are available for student use during regular office hours for studying purposes.
Scores use the Library of Congress Classification (LC) rather than Dewey Decimal Classification and the numbers will start with either "M", "ML" or "MT". Once you become familiar with the system, you'll find it very helpful to revisit sections to browse. For a helpful guide to browsing scores by LC call numbers click on the link below:
This link will take you to UNLV Music Library's Guide to the Library of Congress Music Scores Classification. This is a pretty comprehensive guide on how these materials are organized.
Here are a few simple tips on LC call numbers for music:
* M = scores (sheet music); so, "M" is for music.
* ML = books about music,music history, or literature about music.
* MT = books about music theory, music education, instrumental or vocal techniques or methods.
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