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History - HSTR 499 - Capstone: Age of American Empire: Primary Library Sources

Research Guide for HSTR Capstone with Rachael De La Cruz

Primary Resources

The Library has access to many history databases, including digital archives with primary source material. History databases can be found under the "history" database guide located here.

Library Databases

Sign-in using your NetID and Password when using these databases from off-campus. 

Historical U.S. Newspapers


Interested in viewing historical newspapers in the United States?  Click here to link to another guide that has newspapers arranged by state. Not all of these resources will be directly applicable to this project, but there are some interesting places to get started. 


Image Info:

American and British soldiers gathered around, looking at a newspaper. The title of the newspaper is not completely clear but is the 'Daily M---'. Both the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror were in print during World War I, but the typeface and length of the name make it probable that this is the Mail. Ten thousand copies of the Daily Mail were delivered free to the Front every day, but the Daily Mirror was popular with the troops because it had more news from the Home Front. [Original reads: 'OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN ON THE BRITISH WESTERN FRONT IN FRANCE. Keen American & British interest in the progress of the war.']