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History - Internet Sites with Primary Sources
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History - Internet Sites with Primary Sources: Europe
A series of pages with links to Internet sites that include historical primary sources.
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Web Sites with Primary Sources about European History
1641 Depositions (Irish Rebellion of 1641)
19th Century Images of Greece and Near East
20 Years After: Life Beyond Communism in Central and Eastern Europe
Alexis de Tocqueville
American Travelers in Italy
Americans in the Land of Lenin: Documentary Photographs of Early Soviet Russia, 1919-1930
Art of War (British National Archives)
Atomic Spies: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (U.S. CIA)
Berlin Airlift
Beyond Thucydides: An Interactive Exploration of the Peloponnesian War
Biblioteca Digital de la Comunidad de Madrid
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: Historia
Biblioteca Valenciana Digital
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
BIDICAM: Biblioteca Digital de Castilla - La Mancha
Book of Secrets: Alchemy and the European Imagination 1500-2000
Bounty Mutineers Court Martial 1792
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
British History Online
British Library: Online Gallery
British Pathe (newsreels)
Cabinet Papers 1915-1978 (British Archives)
CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers (Russia & China) (U.S. CIA)
Carrie Eurasia Collection
Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts (British Library)
Celebrating Italian Festivals
Charles Booth and the Survey into Life and Labour in London, 1886-1903
Cobbett's Parliamentary History
Collins Collections of Irish Political Cartoons
Complete Newgate Calendar
Crace Collection of Maps of London
Crace Collection of Maps of London (1570-1860)
Darwin Correspondence Project
Digitized Manusscripts (Ancient Greek) (British Museum)
Domesday: Britain's Finest Treasure
Dying Speeches and Bloody Murders: Crime Broadsides Collected by the Harvard Law School Library
Early 19th-Century Russian Readership & Culture: A Hypertext Archive
Empire That Was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii Photographic Record Recreated
Enactments and Approved Papers of the Control Council and Coordinating Committee; Allied Control Authority, Germany (1945-1948)
Epistolae: Medieval Women's Letters
EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History
European Film Gateway
European History Primary Sources (WWW Virtual Library)
European Library
Fabian Society Online Archive
Florence Nightingale Letters
Forced Labor Camps (Soviet Gulag)
Francis Gary Powers: U-2 Spy Pilot Shot Down by the Soviets (U.S. CIA)
French Political Pamphlets
French Revolution Pamphlets (Ball State University)
French Revolutionary Pamphlets, 1789-1799
Gallileo Project
Gathering Storm: Jewish Life in Germany and Eastern Europe in the 1930s
German History in Documents and Images
German Maps
German Newsreel Archives
Germany Under Reconstruction
Greenham Common: The Women's Peace Camp, 1981-2000
Guy Burgess at the BBC: The Early Career of the Cambridge Spy
Hansard 1803-2005
Harvard Project on the Soviet Social System Online
Henry VIII: Man and Monarch
Hanover Historical Texts Collection
Homosexuality in 18th Century England
Icelandic and Faroese Photographs of Frederick W.W. Howell
Imaging the French Revolution
International Joan of Arc Society
Inventory of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Digital Projects
Kennan Institute - National Public Radio Russian History Audio Archive
Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Digital Library of the Netherlands)
L'Emeroteca Digitale
Laws in Ireland for the Suppression of Popery Commonly Known as the Penal Laws (1691-1760)
Stalin Internet Archive
Divided by decade
Letters of Phillip II, King of Spain, 1592-1597
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution
Library of Congress' Documents from the Soviet Archives
Lopez Martin Collection (early Iberian history)
Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair
Lt. Col. Oleg Penkovsky: Western Spy in Soviet GRU (U.S. CIA)
Making the History of 1989: The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe
Margaret Thatcher Archive
Mediterranean Travel and Trade 1300-1800
Mountjoy Prison Portraits of Irish Independence
Moving Here: 200 Years of Migration in England
Nasjonalbiblioteket: National Library of Norway: Digital Collections
National Library of Ireland Digital Catalogue
National Library of Latvia: Digital Library
National Library of Scotland: Digital Gallery
Nazi and East German Propaganda
Online Gallery: Turning the Pages (British Library)
Original Wizards of Langley (Analyses of Soviet science during the Cold War) (U.S. CIA)
Parallel Histories: Spain, the United States, and the American Frontier
PARES: Portal de Archivos Espanoles
People's Century: Red Flag (Soviet Union)
Periodicals and Pamphlets of the French Revolution of 1848
Portolan Charts
Posters of the Russian Civil War, 1918-1922
Preparing for Martial Law: Through the Eyes of Col. Ryszard Kuklinski (1980-81) (U.S. CIA)
Primary Sources of 20th Century Austrian History
Primary Sources: Eyewitness Accounts of People and Events in Tudor England
Prints from the Curzon Collection: Images of Napoleon and British Fears of Invasion, 1789-1815
Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London's Central Criminal Court, 1674-1913
Public Information Films, 1945-present (British National Archives)
Queen Victoria's Journals
Reagan-Gorbachev Summit Documents (Margaret Thatcher Foundation)
Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707
Restoration Print Culture: A Multimedia Presentation
Revelations from the Russian Archives
Roman de la Rose Digital Library
RTE Archives (Raidio Teilifis Eireann)
Russia Engages the World, 1453-1825
Russian Graphic Art and the Revolution of 1905
Russian Posters Collection, 1919-1989 and undated
Russian Revolution Through the Prism of Propaganda
Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
Shots of War: Photojournalism During the Spanish Civil War
Siberian Digital Photo Collection
Siege and Commune of Paris, 1870-1871
Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation
Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals (1961-1986) (U.S. CIA)
Soviet History Archive
Soviet Origins of Helmut Kohl's 10 Points
Soviet Poster Collection
Spanish Civil War Posters
Spanish Civil War: Dreams + Nightmares
St. Laurentius Digital Manuscript Library
Starry Messenger: Observing the Heavens in the Age of Galileo
Stereoviews of the French Second Empire, ca. 1855-1870
Stormont Papers: 50 Years of Northern Ireland Parliamentary Debates Online
Studies in Scarlet: Marriage & Sexuality in the U.S. and U.K., 1815-1914
Sunk in Lucre's Sordid Charms: South Sea Bubble Resources in the Kress Collection at Baker Library
Survivors of the Titanic
Texts and Documents of Albanian History
Trial of Galileo Galilei 1643
Trial of Sir Thomas More 1535
Trials of Oscar Wilde (1895)
Ukrainian Museum-Archives
Verhandlungen des Deutschen Reichstags
Victorian Web: Victorian Social History: An Overview
Vindolanda Tablets Online
Vision of Britain Through Time
Visual Front: Posters from the Spanish Civil War
Vivlioteca Virtual de Derechos Aragones
Wales and the Marches, 1230 C.E.: Llywelyn Fawr, Prince of Wales, and the Execution of William de Braose
Western European Studies Section (links)
Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin's Russia
William Henry Hoffman Collection on Napoleon I (1585-1913)
Women, War, and Survival
Word on the Street (Broadsides from Scotland, 1650-1910)
World of 1900-1917 in Color (Russia)
Historical European Newspapers on the Internet
Austria: Arbeiter-Zeitung
Austria: Austian Newspapers Online
Denmark: Illustreret Tidende
Estonia: Digiteeritud Eesti Ajalehed
Faroe Islands:
Finland: Helsingin Sanomat (English translation)
Finland: Historical Newspaper Library
Germany: Amtspresse Preussens
Germany: Compact Memory (Jewish periodicals)
Germany: Die Zeit
Germany: Freiburger Zeitung
Germany: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin: Zeitungen
Germany: Staufener Wochenblatt
Germany: Universitatsbibliothek Augsberg: Zeitungen
Greece: Newspaper Articles
Iceland: Morgunbladid
Ireland: Saoirse - Irish Freedom Newspapers
Ireland: Sovereign Nation
Ireland: The Blanket
Ireland: Waterford in Wartime 1914-1918
Italy: Gazzette Bolognesi
Latvia: National Library of Latvia: Newspapers
Luxembourg: eluxemburgensia: Newspapers
Nertherlands: Dutch Underground Press During World War II
Netherlands: Gemeentearchief Roermond Opent Digitaal Krantenarchief
Netherlands: Leeuwarder Courant
Norway: [newspaper portal]
Portugal: Hemeroteca Digital
Russia: [News of Olonetz Province]
Russia: [Siberian newspapers]
Serbia: Digital National Library of Serbia: Newspapers and Magazines
Spain: Ajuntament de Girona: Premsa Digitalitzada
Spain: Biblioteca Virtual de Castilla-La Mancha
Spain: Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Historica
Spain: Hemeroteca Digital
Spain: La Vanguardia
Spain: Prensa Galega
Switzerland: Archivio Digitale Sbt dei Quotidiani e Periodici
United Kingdom: British Newspaper Coverage of the French Revolution
United Kingdom: British Newspapers (Check Display Only Free Content box)
United Kingdom: British Online Newspaper Archive
United Kingdom: Civil War in America from the Illustrated London News
United Kingdom: Cumberland and Westmorland Newspaper Transcriptions
United Kingdom: Guardian Century
United Kingdom: Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition
United Kingdom: Richard Heaton's Newspaper Collection
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