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History - HSTR 499: Senior Capstone Class (WWI): Primary Sources in Library Databases

This guide was prepared to assist students doing research in Dr. Rust's capstone class on World War I social history and the experiences of the common soldier.


Image Info: A soldier being presented with a medal, during World War I. He is standing in front of four men on a small platform. One is reaching over and pinning a medal to the soldier's lapel, another is reading from a list. More soldiers are standing to the side of the platform. This is an example of an uplifting image which would reassure those at home that their 'boys' were being recognized officially for their efforts. From the National Library of Scotland.

Chief Events of the War: 1914-1919

Click here to see a timeline of the chief events of the war.

Accessing Article Databases

Library Databases:

The Library has access to many electronic databases that contain full-text scholarly articles and more. When you are using a computer from off-campus to access one of these databases, you will be prompted for your username and password.  If you are using a campus computer you do not need to log into the database.

User ID:  Your User ID is your NetID

Password: If you don't know your password you can reset it by clicking here. You will need to know you MyInfo ID and Pin to reset your library/NetID password.

Primary Source Databases

Login required when using these databases from off-campus.

History Databases

Primary sources can also be found by mining the bibliographies of secondary sources.