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Writing Guide: Creative Writing

The MSUB Writing Guide provides supplemental resources for all writing programs at Montana State University Billings.


Typically, imaginative writing based in five broad genres: poetry, playwriting, screenwriting, fiction, and creative non-fiction.

Writing is its own reward. – Henry Miller

Books & Websites

Association of Writers and Writing Programs: “provides community, opportunities, ideas, news, and advocacy for writers and teachers of writing.”


Poets & Writers: multi-genre resource for writers—protips, interviews, craft essays, etc.


Literary Hub: “A central place for writers, publishers, books, bookstores, librarians, and readers to congregate and celebrate books and literary culture.”


The Paris Review Interviews: Archive of interviews of significant writers—1950s to present.


The Write Life Blog: articles consist of craft and professional advice from early career writers.


Hippocampus Magazine: Memorable Creative Nonfiction: “an exclusively online publication set out to entertain, educate and engage writers and readers of creative nonfiction. Each monthly issue features memoir excerpts, personal essays, reviews, interviews and craft articles.”


Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction: “publishe[s] well-known and emerging writers working in the extremely brief (750 words or fewer) essay form, along with craft essays and book reviews.”

Academy of American Poets: “the original online resource for poems, poets’ biographies, essays about poetry, and resources for K-12 teachers.”


Poetry Foundation: “an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture”


Versedaily: “a quality web anthology of poetry. A poem a day, along with our complete archives, and poem selections from the web.”


Favorite Poem Project: “Americans saying poems they love.”

IMSDB: “The Web’s Largest Movie Script Resource!” Open source screenplays.


Go into the Story: screenwriting advice, screenplays, etc.


The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: curated collection of Shakespeare’s plays.


One Act Plays: selection of one-act-plays including royalty-free plays.


Playwriting 101: open source “tutorial” on playwriting.