The definitive online collection of early printed works in English, and works printed in England, making digital copies of over 146,000 titles (and over 17M pages) from before 1700 discoverable through an interface tailored for early modern scholars. No other resource for early modern scholarship is as comprehensive as Early English Books Online. Users can explore complete, digitized images of all the works listed in these key bibliographic records of English literature. This collection opens the door for users to explore complete, digitized images of all of the works listed in the key bibliographic records of English literature, as well as original almanacs, pamphlets, musical scores, prayer books, and other interesting primary sources.
All-inclusive access to the New York Times! This includes News, Cooking, Games, The Athletic, and Wirecutter usable anywhere at any time. You will need to create a linked NYT account or link an existing account.
Peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile is both authoritative and comprehensive. Includes millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions, including full-text coverage of the New York Times back to 1995. Updated daily.
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All-inclusive access to the New York Times! This includes News, Cooking, Games, The Athletic, and Wirecutter usable anywhere at any time. You will need to create a linked NYT account or link an existing account.