Purdue OWL Academic Writing: focuses on rhetoric, argument, and stylistic approaches to writing an academic essay.
UNC The Writing Center Tips & Tools: supports the writing of an academic paper through handouts on process, citation, style, grammar, types of papers, and academic disciplines.
CSU The Writing Studio Writing Guides: walks through the writing process including research and composition according to type of paper and academic discipline.
MSBU Academic Support Center Writing Handouts: alphabetical index of style guides, grammar handouts, research tips, etc
Purdue OWL ESL “College Writing Guide": “resources will help ESL students in second language writing.”
MSUB Library Research Process: A Step-By-Step Guide: walks through the various stages of research.
MSUB Library Databases: 206 comprehensive and discipline-specific databases for research based papers.
Purdue OWL Research and Citations Guide: walks through the various stages of research including citing works.
APA: MSUB Library APA Citation Style 7th Edition Guide | APA Website
MLA: MSUB Library MLA Citation Style 9th Edition Guide | MLA Website
Chicago: MSUB Library Chicago Citation Style Guide | Chicago Manual of Style Website
Turabian: MSUB Library Turabian Citation Style 9th Edition Guide