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What Moves You? A Resource Guide to Popular Social Movements: #NoBanNoWall
& Immigration Reform

Resources related to the #blacklivesmatter, #marchforourlives, #marchforscience, #metoo, #timesup, and #nobannowall social movements.

About this LibGuide

Various protests related to recent Executive Orders on Immigration.

What is Immigration Reform?

"Hailed as a “nation of immigrants,” the United States has long sought a balance of fair and logical immigration laws... The immigration debate of the twenty-first century has been complicated by the problem of illegal immigration and concerns about border security, but legal immigration continues to be a divisive issue. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and its amendments, passed in 1965 and 1990, govern current immigration and naturalization procedures.- Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices


"Modern US immigration policy is built on the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, a major accomplishment of the civil rights movement. In particular, the 1965 act had the following provisions: (1) attract those who have skills that are in high demand in the United States; (2) unite those abroad with their relatives who are American citizens; and (3) provide refuge to those who immigrate into the United States due to fear of persecution resulting from their expressed or practiced ideology or beliefs." - Encyclopedia of Race and Racism


Google News and Immigration Reform

Click the image below to see immigration reform news in Google.

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