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What Moves You? A Resource Guide to Popular Social Movements: What Moves You?

Resources related to the #blacklivesmatter, #marchforourlives, #marchforscience, #metoo, #timesup, and #nobannowall social movements.



Student Protests @ Savannah State University

This guide is intended to serve as a starting point for students to better understand popular social movements. The resources shared in this guide are not exhaustive nor do they reflect all sides and opinions of the issues explored. Rather, they hope to define the main aims and goals of the movement organizers.


From civil rights and gender equality to campus security and state desegregation, students have led protests and peaceful demonstrations to fight for their rights as students and citizens. What movement will inspire today's student? What issue moves you to make your voice heard?  



LibGuide Bibliography


March for Our Lives Movement from College of the Mainland 

#MeToo (Sexual Harassment) from Eastern Arizona College 

Me Too Movement from College of the Mainland

#NoBan #NoWall NoRaids from Cuny School of Law


This guide heavily based on one by Savannah State University and the content was used with permission.