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Record & Go Studio: Simplified Video Recording

Instruction Timelines

Be Mindful of Time

Not only students, but instructors can be deceived by the actual amount of production time it takes to complete a simple 3-5 minute audio or video project. The times listed below reflect the array of minor and processes, including preparation, resource acquisition, and iterative post-production editing that goes into every project

Project Type ~ Time Commitment
10-12 minute informal interview for podcast (minimum post-production) ½–2 hours
10-12 minute formal interview for podcast (maximum post-production) 1–5 hours
3-5 minute informal or interview Video (minimum post-production) 1–3 hours
3–5 minute remix/mash-up video (minimum post-production) 2–4 hours
3-5 minute high quality video (maximum post-production) 4–20 hours

Develop a Schedule

Ensure all aspects on the grading rubric are addressed on the assignment. Students save time in production when organization tools and techniques are shared.

Deliverable Description When Due
Outline Key concepts, overall vision or approach, cast and roles, 3rd party media needed Before production begins
Script Dialogue (listed by speaker)—May be rough notes or exact dialogue to be spoken First trimester of project
Storyboard Sequential list of shots, sketches, direction First–Middle trimester of project
Rough Cut Final video editing, previewing, focus grouping Third trimester of project

Stay Organized

We recommend that before the semester begins, faculty meet with a member of the Library to discuss the project. Library faculty and staff can help you and your students obtain the maximum benefit from this technology. It's particularly important to schedule any in-class workshops ahead of time, and to plan ahead for the amount of studio time students will need to comfortably complete their projects.

Week Task Week Task
1 Introduce project and rubric to students 6 Production begins
2 Form student teams 9 Rough cut due
3 In-class workshop with Library consultant 13 Video completed and submitted/published online
4 Outline and script due 14 Peer Critique
5 Storyboard due    

Instruction Strategies

It's imperative to match the design of your activities with the level of work you expect from your students. Neither too simple, nor too complex or demanding an assignment will not produce the learning outcomes of value to you and your students. The following chart pairs activities with positive outcomes.

Skill Level Description Examples
CREATING Putting together ideas or elements to develop an original idea or engage in creative thinking
  • Short Videos or Podcasts
    Choose an overarching theme and tie in several course concepts to demonstrate understanding of interrelationships between concepts as well as the ability to transfer knowledge to new situations.
  • Remixing
    Selecting, evaluating, and integrating 3rd-party media to create an original work.
EVALUATING Judging the value ideas, materials and methods by developing and applying standards and criteria
  • Critique Via Blogs
    Post videos or podcasts to a blog and elicit discussions around that media as blog comments. Provide a list of required elements to include in comments.
ANALYZING Breaking information down into its component elements
  • Video Analysis
    Create a gallery of video clips illustrating a concept (e.g., moments in a news broadcast which illustrate particular rhetorical techniques).
APPLYING Using strategies, concepts, principles and theories in new situations
  • Podcast Interviews
    Identify experts, craft questions, and conduct in-the-field interviews.
  • Simulations
    Role playing.
  • Presenting
    Produce a video presentation formally illustrating key concepts.
UNDERSTANDING Explaining ideas or concepts, and demonstrating comprehension of information or frameworks
  • Reflection Podcast
    Provide verbal feedback or interpretation on a topic to demonstrate basic understanding.
  • Video Annotating
    Comment on existing media using various audio/video annotating tools.

Best Practices

This page outlines some of the resource and time requirements involved in multimedia/multimodal assignments. Just being aware of the hidden 'overhead' in such assignments can help you create better assignments, help your students create better compositions, and help you both avoid the pitfalls that mitigate the success of otherwise great work.

  • Visit the Library and One Button Studio
    Get advice on designing your activity.
  • Assign Group Projects
    Media authoring involves multiple roles that often work simultaneously. Working in teams will improve the overall quality of outcomes. We recommend teams of 2–3 students.
  • Require mid-project deliverables
    Think about the logistics for project submission early on. Will students be posting their work online or submitting them via flash drive?
  • Assign Short Projects
    A good rule-of-thumb is that videos should be 3–5 minutes long, and podcasts should be at most 10–12 minutes.
  • Provide copyright information
    Issues such as copyright and fair-use are especially crucial to understand in media production. We can help you design your activity so that students leverage other media both powerfully and creatively, legally and ethically.
  • Share examples beforehand
    By sharing examples of excellent (and sometimes poor) final products you increase the transparency of your assignment, and offer examples that students can deconstruct for use in their own work.