The following guidelines are based on the The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.). Numbers in parentheses refer to specific pages in the manual.
Remember that all sources of information and data, whether quoted directly or paraphrased, are cited with a note in the paper, as well as an entry in the bibliography at the end of the paper. (p. 655)
• The first note referring to a work should always be a full note. Subsequent citations for that work can be shortened. The concise form should include just enough information to remind readers of the full title or lead them to the bibliography, usually the last name of the author(s), the key words of the main title, and the page number. Check with your instructor to determine whether this concise form is acceptable. (p. 667-669)
• When citing the same source in multiple footnotes one after the other, cite the source in full the first time, and then use "Ibid." for all subsequent citations until another source is cited. Once a second source has been cited, the first source must again be cited in the footnote in full the next time it is referenced. (p. 669)
• When the note entry includes a URL that must be divided between two lines, break it after a colon or a double slash or before a tilde (~), period, single slash, comma or hyphen. (p.659)
• List Bibliography entries with a hanging indent. (example on p. 686)
• Bibliography entries are in one alphabetical sequence arranged by the surname of the first author or by title if there is no author. They are not classified by type of source. (p. 690)
• Use the author's given names and surname as listed on the title page, not the cover. If there is more than one author, list them in the order used on the title page. (pp. 793)
• If the Bibliography includes two or more entries by the same author(s), list them alphabetically by title. A 3-em dash (---.) replaces the author's name after the first entry. (p. 691-692)
• When the note entry includes a URL that must be divided between two lines, break it after a colon or a double slash or before a tilde (~), period, single slash, comma or hyphen. (p.659)