This format is typically used if you would like to make reference to lecture notes from one of your classes.
General Format
Full Note:
1. Lecturer First Name Surname, "Lecture Title," Date of Lecture, location of Lecture, medium, running time, information on where the
recording can be found.
Concise Note:
2. Lecturer Surname, "Lecture Title."
Lastname, Firstname. "Speech Title." Date of Speech, Location of Speech. Medium, running time. Information on where recording can be found.
Full Note:
1. 5. Toni Morrison, “Nobel Lecture,” December 7, 1993, Grand Hall of the Swedish Academy, Stockholm, Sweden, MPEG-4, 33:18,
Concise Note:
2. Morrison, "Nobel Lecture."
Morrison, Toni. “Nobel Lecture.” December 7, 1993. Grand Hall of the Swedish Academy, Stockholm, Sweden. MPEG-4, 33:18.