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Open Educational Resources: Journalism

This site is designed to introduce OER initiatives, explain creative commons licensing and OER, and to help you get started searching for Open Educational Resources for teaching and learning.

MSUB Library Resources for Journalism

The MSUB Library provides access to content such as online books, journals and image collections that can be used to lower or remove student textbook costs for MSUB students.  To learn more, see the following:


On this page you will find several open Journalism textbooks along with supplemental material and a few lecture videos.  

The purpose of these discipline specific pages is to showcase content that might be of interest to faculty who are considering adopting open educational resources for use in their classes. This list of content is by no means exhaustive.  The nature of open educational resources is very collaborative and it is in that spirit that we encourage any comments about the content featured on this page or recommendations of content that are not already listed here. 

For more information about Creative Commons and quick reference to license definitions see the OU Creative Commons LibGuide.


Verification Handbook  -European Journalism Centre

The Verification Handbook is a groundbreaking new resource for journalists and aid responders, which provides step-by-step guidelines for using user-generated content (UGC) during emergencies. In a crisis situation, social networks are overloaded with situational updates, calls for relief, reports of new developments, and rescue information. Reporting the right information is often critical in shaping responses from the public and relief workers; it can literally be a matter of life or death. The Handbook prescribes best practice advice on how to verify and use this information provided by the crowd, as well as actionable advice to facilitate disaster preparedness in newsrooms.  -Verification Handbook


Craig Silverman, The Poynter Institute

Merrill Perlman, American Copy Editors Society 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Story-Based Inquiry -UNESCO

The publication focuses on the hypothesis-based inquiry approach, which takes the basic assumption that a story is only a hypothesis until verified. The methods and skills applying to every step of the investigative process, from conception to research, writing, quality control and dissemination, have been thoroughly analyzed and are well illustrated by case studies in each chapter.  -Story-Based Inquiry

Supplemental Text:  Casebook


Mark Lee Hunter, Global Investigative Journalism Network

 All rights to this work are reserved; however, it is available for free download.


Global Investigative Journalilsm: Strategies for Support

Fueled by globalization, international aid, and the efforts of journalism groups, the worldwide practice of investigative reporting has grown dramatically since the fall of communism began in 1989. Given the field’s rapid growth, in 2012 CIMA updated and expanded its research and commissioned a new survey to understand the nature and scope of investigative journalism as a facet of media development. Global Investigative Journalism: Strategies for Support, by David E. Kaplan, director of the Global Investigative Journalism Network, looks at key drivers and actors and suggests ways to best support and professionalize the practice in developing and transitioning countries. -Global Investigative Journalism

About the Author:

David E. Kaplan, Global Investigative Journalism Network

The copyright status of this work is unclear; however, all rights are assumed to be reserved.  This work is available for free download.



Online Journalism: Research Methods

This text is intended to be an introduction to journalism research methods. It covers topics such as, Typology of Online Media, Genres in Online Journalism, News and Database Architecture, Research Methodologies in Journalism, Narrativity, Researching Participatory Journalism, Production Routines, and Media Convergence.


Marcos Palacios Javier Diaz Noci, Pompeu Fabra University

The copyright status of this work is unclear; however, all rights are assumed to be reserved.  This work is available for free download.

Open Textbook Collections

Find more Journalism textbooks in these collections



Open Textbook Library

The Open Textbook Library is a collection of open textbooks that features reviews written by professors.  A project of the University of Minnesota, The Open Textbook Library provides a review rubric for faculty to use when evaluating textbooks and displays them for the benefit of potential adopters. 

College Open Textbooks

The College Open Textbooks Collaborative, a collection of twenty-nine educational non-profit and for-profit organizations, affiliated with more than 200 colleges, is focused on driving awareness and adoptions of open textbooks to more than 2000 community and other two-year colleges. This includes providing training for instructors adopting open resources, peer reviews of open textbooks, and mentoring online professional networks that support for authors opening their resources, and other services.  -College Open Textbooks

BC Campus Open Ed

The B.C. Open Textbook Project is funded by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, and BCcampus is tasked with managing it. A goal of the Project is to provide flexible and affordable access to higher education resources in B.C. by making available 40 openly-licensed textbooks. These texts will be available for selection by B.C. faculty, and digital versions of the texts will be free of charge to students. For those who prefer a printed copy, this format will also be available on demand for a low cost. -BC Campus


MERLOT is a collection of online resources curated by a community of faculty, staff, and students of higher education.  This subset of the MERLOT collection features openly licensed textbooks for use by students and faculty.  MERLOT allows its users to rate materials and comment on specific resources.

Supplemental Materials

Statistics  -OpenIntro

The authors of this text intend for the reader to develop a foundational understanding of statistical thinking methods.  Statistics is an applied field with a wide range of practical applications which a student does not have to be a math expert to understand even when using real, interesting data. Emphasized in this text is the practical applications of statistical tools. The authors have highlighted their imperfections and how student can use them to learn about the real world.  -OpenIntro.

This textbook has been adopted by OU faculty member, Dr. Claude Miller.


David M. Diez, Google/YouTube, Quantitative Analyst

Christopher D. Barr, Harvard School of Public Health, Biostatistics

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University, Statistics

 This text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.


Data Journalism Handbook

This book is intended to be a useful resource for anyone who thinks that they might be interested in becoming a data journalist, or dabbling in data journalism. Lamentably the act of reading this book will not supply you with a comprehensive repertoire of all if the knowledge and skills you need to become a data journalist. This would require a vast library manned by hundreds of experts able to help answer questions on hundreds of topics. Luckily this library exists and it is called the internet. Instead, we hope this book will give you a sense of how to get started and where to look if you want to go further. Examples and tutorials serve to be illustrative rather than exhaustive.  -Data Journalism Handbook


Jonathan Gray, Open Knowledge Foundation

Liliana Boungru, European Journalism Centre

Lucy Chambers, Open Knowledge Foundation

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.


Casebook  -UNESCO

The Casebook contains more than 20 recent investigative stories from around the world, covering a wide variety of topical subjects such as freedom of information, good governance, social and legal issues, the environment, health and gender. Each article is accompanied by an explanation of how the authors conducted their research and wrote their pieces. Many of the authors belong to the Global Investigative Journalism Network, and their stories exemplify the cutting-edge techniques and high standards developed within this network.

Supplemental Text: Story-Based Inquiry


Mark Lee Hunter, Global Investigative Journalism Network

 All rights to this work are reserved; however, it is available for free download.



Lecture Videos

Journalism Lectures  -Oxford

This collection of lectures form the University of Oxford features audio recordings of discussions on topics such as "Leaks, Snowden, and the Guardian", "How Mobile Phones are changing journalism practice in the 21st century, and "The Strengths and Weaknesses of Social Media."

Most of the lectures in this collection are licensed under a Creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.