When citing newspaper articles that are read online, follow the basic pattern for print
newspaper articles and also include an access date and URL. If the article is accessed through a subscription database, you may include the name of the database instead of the URL (pp. 186-7; 250-1).
General Format
Notes-Bibliography Style (pp. 186-187):
Note Number. Author First Name/Initial Author Last Name, "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article," NewspaperTitle, Date of Publication. accessed Date of Access, URL.
Bibliographic Entry (necessary if citation is critical to your argument or frequently cited in your paper):
22. Richard Simon, "Redistricting Could Cost California Some Clout in Washington," Los Angeles Times, August 28, 2011, accessed August 30, 2011, http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-california-congress-20110829,01873016.story.
Bibliographic Entry (if necessary):
General Format
Author-Date Style (pp. 250-251)
Parenthetical Citation:
Reference List Entry:
Parenthetical Entry:
(Simon 2011)
Reference List Entry: