Magazine articles are cited like journal articles except for the date and page number information. For magazine articles, only include the date of the publication (even if the issue has a volume and issue number) and do not enclose the information in parentheses. You may also omit the inclusive page numbers of the article in the bibliographic entry because magazine articles often span many pages due to extra material like advertisements. If the page numbers are included, preceed the numbers with a comma rather than a colon (pp. 185-6).
General Format
Notes-Bibliography Style (pp. 185-186):
Note Number. Author First Name/Initial Author Last Name, "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article," Magazine Title, Date of Publication, XX-XX.
Bibliographic Entry:
11. Jill Lepore, "Dicekns in Eden," New Yorker, August 29, 2011, 52.
Bibliographic Entry:
General Format
Author-Date Style (pp. 249-250)
Parenthetical Citation:
(Author Last Name Year, XX-XX)
Reference List Entry:
Parenthetical Entry:
(Lepore 2011, 52)
Reference List Entry: